Vizzutti, Allen
Born: 1952Gender: Male USA
Alternate names
Allen Vizzutti
Vizutti, Alan
Vizutti, Alan
Vizzuti, Al
Vizzuti, Allen
Vizzutti, Al
Vizzutti, Allen
Vizzutti, Al
Vizzutti, Alan
Vizzutti, Allen C.
Аллен Виззутти
ヴィズッティ, アレン
Profiled in reference works
Diana Bauchinger, Oswaldo Zapata
External Links
Miscellaneous Information
Profiled in Trumpet Greats, p. 846.
Allen Vizzutti, Allen Vizzutti (recording review) |
1981 |
Ketch, James |
Allen Vizzutti, Emerald Concerto and Other Gems (recording review) |
1999 |
Muehlenbeck-Pfotenhauer, Thomas |
Allen Vizzutti, Skyrocket (recording review) |
1997 |
Johnson, David A. |
Allen Vizzutti: An Interview |
1981 |
Glover, Stephen L. |
Allen Vizzutti: The Right Balance |
1999 |
La Barbera, John |
Eastman Brass Quintet, Eastman Brass Quintet (recording review) |
1979 |
Lowrey, Alvin |
Entering the Sphere of Music: Advice from Some Trumpet Masters |
1994 |
Meckna, Michael |
General News (May 1992) |
1992 |
Tunnell, Michael Hilton |
General News (September 1996) |
1996 |
Tunnell, Michael Hilton |
The 1980 ITG Conference: A Synopsis |
1980 |
Winick, Steven |
The 1990 ITG Conference: A Synopsis |
1990 |
Lewis, Horace Monroe, Eisensmith, Kevin |
The 1995 Brassfest |
1995 |
Engelke, Luis, Shugert, James, Thornton, Mary |
The 1998 ITG Conference, Lexington, Kentucky |
1998 |
Glover, Stephen L. |
The 2001 ITG Conference Evansville, Indiana |
2001 |
Mortenson, Gary |
The 2004 ITG Conference, Denver, Colorado |
2004 |
Mortenson, Gary |
The Authentic Cornet |
1992 |
Hickman, David |
Trumpet Talk with Allen Vizzutti |
1999 |
Sells, Jeffery V. |
Vincent DiMartino, Allen Vizzutti, Bobby Shew, Trumpet Summit (recording review) |
1997 |
Allison, Robert |
dataBrass / 2023